
Sacred Cows Make Good Hamburger Meat

At our house there seems to be two food staples:  chicken and hamburger.  It's amazing how many things you can do with these two food items.  Let's take hamburger meat for a moment.  You can grill it and put in on a bun and eat it as a sandwich or you can wrap bacon around it or cover it in mushroom gravy, add vegetables and have it for dinner. If you don't want to do that, you can ground it up and use it for spaghetti, lasagna, casseroles, soups and on and on.  

We typically keep a few pounds of this relatively inexpensive red meat in our freezer for those days when you just don't know what to cook. During those times, hamburger meat satisfies a real need. Most of the time, we don't wake up and say, "Let's have hamburgers tonight." We use it when we have been focused on things other than dinner all day long. When we get home and realize that we don't have anything to eat, so we reach in the back of the freezer and use what we have stored away. 

Financially speaking, I believe that some folks reading this blog may not be wondering what are we going to have for dinner tonight, but what are we going to do to pay our monthly bills.  I believe that you have money laying all over your house.  It's time to look around and find it.  Then, turn those valuable items into cash.  It does not make sense to carry high interest debt on credit cards when you have money laying all around your house. It's time get on Craigslist or Ebay or the Iwanta.  

Just last week, our oldest son asked me if he could sell on of his guitars.  This guitar had been in a case in his closet for years. We listed it on Ebay and it sold for around $250. Now, he can pay his fraternity dues.  Our youngest son got in on the act and listed some cymbals.  They sold for around $40. Now he can buy the latest video game or something, but more than likely he will stash that money away for a rainy day.  

What do you have under your bed, locked away in a closet? It's time to turn it into cash.  Hmmm.  Now that I think about it, I have a Vintage Selmer Mark VI Saxophone that is worth over $3,000 in my closet.  I have not played it at church since Christmas 1995. I need to sell it.  But, wait a minute. My parents bought that for me when I was in middle school.  It has a lot of emotional sentiment associated with it. It's sacred.  But, then again, sacred cows make good hamburger meat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marty, I need to talk to you but don't have your email. Can you shoot me an email Pastor@daystarchurch.tv

Thanks, bro!