
Is this The Change We Need ???

It's election time and once again Americas are blessed with an opportunity to cast our vote. Most candidates are crying out for change. We have all heard it before.  Many folks cast their vote without really understanding what they are voting for. 
In the previous election cycle, we heard speeches about change. Read the article that I have attached below and ask yourself, is it the change we need?   
Six Months to Go Until
The Largest Tax Hikes in History
July 1, 2010
Contact: Ryan Ellis, ATR Tax Policy Director: rellis@atr.org

In just six months, the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect. They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves on January 1, 2011:
First Wave: Expiration of 2001 and 2003 Tax Relief
In 2001 and 2003, the GOP Congress enacted several tax cuts for investors, small business owners, and families. These will all expire on January 1, 2011:
Personal income tax rates will rise. The top income tax rate will rise from 35 to 39.6 percent (this is also the rate at which two-thirds of small business profits are taxed). The lowest rate will rise from 10 to 15 percent. All the rates in between will also rise. Itemized deductions and personal exemptions will again phase out, which has the same mathematical effect as higher marginal tax rates. The full list of marginal rate hikes is below:
- The 10% bracket rises to an expanded 15%
- The 25% bracket rises to 28%
- The 28% bracket rises to 31%
- The 33% bracket rises to 36%
- The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%
Higher taxes on marriage and family. The “marriage penalty” (narrower tax brackets for married couples) will return from the first dollar of income. The child tax credit will be cut in half from $1000 to $500 per child. The standard deduction will no longer be doubled for married couples relative to the single level. The dependent care tax credit will be cut.
The return of the Death Tax. This year, there is no death tax. For those dying on or after January 1 2011, there is a 55 percent top death tax rate on estates over $1 million. A person leaving behind two homes and a retirement account could easily pass along a death tax bill to their loved ones.
Higher tax rates on savers and investors. The capital gains tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 20 percent in 2011. The dividends tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 39.6 percent in 2011. These rates will rise another 3.8 percent in 2013.

Second Wave: Health Care Reform
There are over twenty new or higher taxes that are connected to the Health Care Reform. Several will first go into effect on
January 1, 2011. They include:
The Tanning Tax. This went into effect on July 1st of this year. It imposes a new, 10% excise tax on getting a tan at a tanning salon. There is no exemption for tanners making less than $250,000 per year.
The “Medicine Cabinet Tax” Thanks to Obamacare, Americans will no longer be able to use health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or health reimbursement (HRA) pretax dollars to purchase non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines (except insulin).
The HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike. This provision of Obamacare increases the additional tax on non-medical early withdrawals from an HSA from 10 to 20 percent, disadvantaging them relative to IRAs and other tax-advantaged accounts, which remain at 10 percent.
Brand Name Drug Tax. Starting next year, there will be a multi-billion dollar tax assessment imposed on name-brand drug manufacturers. This tax, like all excise taxes, will raise the price of medicine, hurting everyone.
Economic Substance Doctrine. The IRS is now empowered to disallow perfectly-legal tax deductions and maneuvers merely because it judges that the deduction or action lacks “economic substance.” This is obviously an arbitrary empowerment of IRS agents.
Employer Reporting of Health Insurance Costs on a W-2. This will start for W-2s in the 2011 tax year. While not a tax increase in itself, it makes it very easy for Congress to tax employer provided healthcare benefits later.

Third Wave: The Alternative Minimum Tax and Employer Tax Hikes
When Americans prepare to file their tax returns in January of 2011, they’ll be in for a nasty surprise—the AMT won’t be held harmless, and many tax relief provisions will have expired. The major items include:
The AMT will ensnare over 28 million families, up from 4 million last year. According to the left-leaning Tax Policy Center, Congress’ failure to index the AMT will lead to an explosion of AMT taxpaying families—rising from 4 million last year to 28.5 million. These families will have to calculate their tax burdens twice, and pay taxes at the higher level. The AMT was created in 1969 to ensnare a handful of taxpayers.
Small business expensing will be slashed and 50% expensing will disappear. Small businesses can normally expense (rather than slowly-deduct, or “depreciate”) equipment purchases up to $250,000. This will be cut all the way down to $25,000. Larger businesses can expense half of their purchases of equipment. In January of 2011, all of it will have to be “depreciated.”
Taxes will be raised on all types of businesses. There are literally scores of tax hikes on business that will take place. The biggest is the loss of the “research and experimentation tax credit,” but there are many, many others. Combining high marginal tax rates with the loss of this tax relief will cost jobs.
Tax Benefits for Education and Teaching Reduced. The deduction for tuition and fees will not be available. Tax credits for education will be limited. Teachers will no longer be able to deduct classroom expenses. Coverdell Education Savings Accounts will be cut. Employer-provided educational assistance is curtailed. The student loan interest deduction will be disallowed for hundreds of thousands of families.
Charitable Contributions from IRAs no longer allowed. Under current law, a retired person with an IRA can contribute up to $100,000 per year directly to a charity from their IRA. This contribution also counts toward an annual “required minimum distribution.” This ability will no longer be there.


Steve Spurrier called it fate; I call it the new reality!

This past Saturday the University of South Carolina did what only one other team in America has ever done, and that is, to defeat a number one ranked team in basketball, baseball and football in the same season.

If you remember, the South Carolina basketball team defeated number one ranked Kentucky in February 2010;  the South Carolina baseball team defeated number one ranked Arizona State in June 2010; and the South Carolina football team defeated number one ranked Alabama in October 2010.

After the football game, Steve Spurrier called it fate ... I call it the new reality.  I am not here proclaiming that South Carolina will will a national championship this year, nor am I guaranteeing an SEC crown, but no one will enter into Williams Brice Stadium thinking that South Carolina is a push over. The addition of Lattimore, Jeffery, and Sanders along with the brilliant coaching of legendary Steve Spurrier causes the moon over the state of South Carolina to shine even brighter, it causes the bomp bomp bomp in Sweet Caroline to be even sweeter, it causes the Croomers boiled peanuts to be even worse, and it causes the mustard in our barbecue sauce to be even saucier. 

Oh, it's great to be a Gamecock!  

-- Marty


Life is just too short

This past week I walked along side of two separate families as they said "good-bye" to their loved ones. Seeing a loved one pass away is never easy whether it is expected or unexpected.

I started the week with the Little family.  They gathered at The Creek on Monday morning to celebrate the life of Lynette Little.  Lynette was 45 years old and died after a long battle with brain cancer.  Lynette was blessed with two kids, Matthew and Elliot.  My heart sank as I looked down from the stage to see these boys grieving the loss of their mom. Matthew is ten years old and I cannot imagine his sense of loss.  Lynn's husband Brian spoke at the service and did a wonderful job honoring his wife. There was a one-word from  Lynette concerning the funeral and that was, celebrate.  She wanted her friends and family to celebrate her healing and her new life in heaven.  I had the privilege of baptizing Lynn at church several weeks ago.  We did not realize at the time that her days on this earth were so close to the end.

Two days after Lynn's service, I received the tragic news that John-Clark Huffman had passed.  JC was only twenty-one years old. He played on The Creek softball team this past season and Patty and I sat with his parents, Perry and Jeanie, every game.  He was an avid baseball player and a MCG student.  His death was a total shock.

John-Clark was a seeker in the truest sense of the word.  JC loved people and love to hang out with his friends and family.  John-Clark lived on the edge at times.  He loved to fish and he loved most any sport. As I walked with the family through his untimely death, I found out that JC had a deep desire for God.  This desire sparked spiritual conversations and extended prayer times with his Mom that started three weeks before his death.  JC's dad opened his Bible and found notes that he had taken on July 18, 2010 tucked away.  When I saw his detailed notes of my sermon on Pursing Wisdom, I was blessed.  I did not have to prepare a sermon for his funeral.  I took the notes that were in his Bible and allowed JC's own words to be shared at his funeral.

John-Clark was twenty-one and Lynn Little was forty-five.  Both of them reminded me this week that sometimes "life is just too short."


American IDOL finalist, Lacey Brown, to sing at Stevens Creek Augusta

It's no secret that Patty and I have been huge American Idol fans through the years.  We love to see young talent take the stage and watch them develop as the weeks pass. I am not like so many Americans that love watch American Idol's opening weeks where they showcase all of the horrendous singers.  I cringe as I watch knowing that those awful singers have been lied too by their parents or their friends.  

My excitement develops as the show transitions to Hollywood. It is in Holly wood that you start to see the potential.  It is also at this time that I like to read blogs and bios to see if there are any passionate Christ followers in the mix. The 2009 season featured several worship leaders with the winner, Kris Allen, being the worship leader at Rick Bezet's church, New Life Church, in Little Rock Arkansas.

As the 2010 season developed, I knew that there were a few potential worship leaders in the mix. In fact, I was with one of them two days before he flew to Hollywood.  Jermaine Purifory, a Lee University student, was a groomsman and soloist in J T and Brittany Black's wedding. After the wedding, Jermaine boarded a plane for California.  He made it through several cuts and was highly touted in the trio with Casey James.  He has been seen several times on the Ellen Degeneres Show.  In the end, Jermaine did not become a finalist but was encouraged by Randy Jackson to try again in 2011.

When the finalist were revealed, a Pastor's Daughter from Amarillo, Texas, Lacey Brown made the Top Twelve.  I was thrilled for Lacey.  She did a great job on the Idol stage. When her time there was over, she made the media circuit appearing on The Ellen Show, Wendy Williams and David Letterman and so forth.  A few weeks before she sang on the American Idol Finale, I attended the All Access 2010 Conference at Healing Place Church in Baton Rogue, LA.  As I walked through the atrium at Healing Place, I ran into Lacey.  She was there attending the conference. I asked her if she would come to Stevens Creek.  She was very kind and told me to contact her with some potential dates.  We eventually landed on Sunday, July 18th.

So, make sure to invite your friends to come and enjoy one of our services at the Augusta campus on July 18th: 8:30, 10:00 or 11:30.  Now, if you do not have a friend coming with you, would you please consider attending the 8:30 AM.   Let's start the day off with enthusiastic worship and open hearts so that we can hear what the Lord is saying to us. 

This Sunday I will be starting a new series call DECIDE. This series will feature messages that will help you determine God's will for your life. This will be a great series to invite your friends.

As you go through the week, begin praying that God will be present with us this Sunday and that people will take their next step spiritually.

~ Marty


Update on Courtney Claxton

On December 8th, one of our Stevens Creek families had the phone call that no parent wants to hear and that is, their only daughter had a very serious accident. Courtney Claxton was a student at the Medical College of Georgia and was returning home from studying with some classmates when she lost control of her SUV on a rain slicked Stevens Creek Road.  They rushed her to the hospital to discover that she had severed her spine and was paralyzed from the neck down.  Her parents,  Charles and Gail Claxton, called me and Pastor Dave and I made our to the trauma center.  We prayed and asked the Lord to heal her.

At times God heals instantly and at other times healing is a process.  We see an example of the process healing when Jesus touched a man that was blind.  After the inital prayer, Jesus asked him if he could he. His reply was, "I see men as trees walking around."  In others words, I can see but everything is blurry.  So, Jesus prayed a second time and he was healed.

We prayed for Courtney and God started a healing process.  This process has been very long and it is very difficult.  A few weeks after her accident, Courtney was transferred to the Shepherd Spine Center in Atlanta. This is a wonderful facility that helps people learn how to live with spinal cord injuries.  Over the next four months, they worked with Courtney.  At times, it seemed like she was getting worse instead of better. In fact, she "coded" and was revived on more than one occassion.  Throughout those trying moment, Charles and Gail, through their tears continued to pray and believe.

Patty and I visited Courtney five times while she at Shepherd. At times, she looked like progress was being made and at other times things looked bleak.  Each time, however, whether good reports or bad, Charles and Gail, stood in faith praying and beleive the best for their daughter.

Courtney moved home on April 7th. When she arrived she found that friends and family members had taken the initiative to renovate her bedroom and make it wheelchair accessible. Since coming home, she has been in the care of Walton Rehabilitation Hospital and has received great care.

Last night, we stopped by to say hello and found that Courtney has made so much progress. We were surprised. She is breathing on her own. She can turn her head and has some flexibility in her shoulders and the biggest surprise was that she can now move her arms.  The arm movement has come as a result of aquatic theapy.  Practically speaking, if a strand of hair falls in her face, she can move it. That's a huge blessing.

Like I said, she can move her arms, but still does not have control movement in her hands.  That's the specific prayers that I am asking you to pray.  If hand movement is restored, then her possibilities are multiplied. Courtney looked so good last night. Patty and I left so encouraged at her progress.

Charles and Gail are still believing that miracles will continue.  They realized that in Courtney's case that healing will be a process and they are taking it day by day. In the coming weeks, Courtney will be cruising into The Creek....hmmm...I guess that means that we have another "holy roller".

Keep praying.



Easter 2010 ... a great service with a new attendance record!

The Easter Services at The Creek were wonderful! I want to say "thanks" to all of our volunteers who worked extra to make the weekend memorable. I also deeply appreciate all of the people that attended the 8:30 AM service.  As you know, we asked for 500 people to sign up and attend 8:30AM ... you responded and exceeded our expectations.  Yes, we had over 600 people at 8:30 AM!!! This may seem trivial to some, but it's not. Moving that many people to the earlier time slot opened up more seats for our guests in the other services. In other words, more people were able to hear that God does not care what they have done; He does not care what they have become; He just wants them to come home.

From start to finish the service communicated grace and forgivness. Scores of people checked that they were ready for a relationship with Jesus Christ and that makes Easter even more special. I am so pleased to be a part of a life-giving, generous and let me say again nice church.

When you add our Grovetown Campus to the mix, we had four services on Sunday morning. Our combined attendance was ..... drum roll.... 2,330.  That's a new record.  Thanks for what you do to make The Creek what it is. We are a blessed congregation.



Management Policies at the EVANS, GA Target Store ... Cannot believe it!

Patty and I love shopping at Target in Evans, GA. It's a clean store with a lot of style.  They have great products, but policies that are opposite of their advertised image.  Yes, I am shocked at what they have done.

Let me explain.  A few weeks ago, we challenged the folks at Stevens Creek Church to random acts of kindness. Like always, the people at The Creek responded.  One of our members went to Target and gave the cashier a card and a twenty dollar bill and told her to put it on the tab of the next person in line.  The Creeker left the store.

Today, we received a call from the mother of the person that received the card.  She explained that her daughter was having a very rough time and this random act of kindness greatly encouraged her. It encouraged her, but she did not benefit from the twenty dollar gift because the TARGET cashier said that this had never been done before and questioned the daughter if she knew the stranger that had given the money. Well, she did not know the person.  She turned it over to the Team Leader and they filled out an incident report and treated this discouraged recipient of the act of kindness as a criminal.

Then, they took the twenty dollar bill and supposedly put it in their safe and if it goes without being claimed for six months, then the cashier will get the money.  What's up with that? 

Target...what are you thinking?  I thought that you were working for our community.  This policy must be changed. I can't say it any stronger.

How did the church find out about it?  The recipient who was supposed to receive this blessing was so shocked that she told her mother what happened. Her mother called the church and told us the details of how she was treated in this case.

TARGET needs a serious review of their policies.

One more thing: We contacted the Manager at the Evans, GA TARGET and his response was: We are not use to people being nice.

We, at Stevens Creek Church, have a passion to be nice to people and we will continue to be nice even when corporate policies work against us.

Marty Baker, D.Min.
Lead Pastor
Stevens Creek Church
600 Stevens Creek Road
Augusta, GA 30907



The Ministry of Stevens Creek Continues to Influence...

The Metro Spirit just printed an article on called Modern Christianity. It mentioned Stevens Creek and our church's influence on our community.  This articles reminds me that the faithful volunteers and members at The Creek are serving this community in ways that most do not imagine. Thanks so much for your continued service.  Here's some of the article:

Modern Christianity
AUGUSTA, GA – In the last 10 years, a wave of non-denominational mainstream churches has hit Evans. The most recent to join the wave is Genesis Church on Belair Road. I entered the former Gibbs Library building with my husband and son for the 10 a.m. service. I was surprised to see they transformed the generic civic engineering local into a contemporary venue.

A bevy of greeters welcomed us. Coffee pots standing near the sanctuary doors beckoned sleepy visitors to share in an early morning communion. I didn’t partake but I wished I would have. Black paint on the sanctuary walls and dimmed lights made us feel a little like we were entering a nightclub. The overhead screens were just pieces of cloth tightly pulled at each end in a retro trendy design.

Genesis Church definitely took a page right out of the Stevens Creek playbook. That’s probably because the pastor used to be on their church staff. In fact, Genesis was a cooperative effort of Stevens Creek, The Quest and Journey — all mainstream churches in Columbia County.

My husband and I jokingly call Stevens Creek, one of their parent churches, the “church of rock.” Genesis Church, however, is mellower. A woman with a melodic voice, and sporting a chin-length bob, led worship. Colored lighting effects changed the mood during each song. .... The appeal of these churches is that they, from the coffee to the comfy-jeans wearing pastor, wrap Christianity in a modern package.It turns out Evans, with its mixture of middle-aged but still hip population, is ripe for these types of churches. And Genesis Church, with almost 200 members only a year after it opened, appears to be riding this wave all the way to success.

Congratulations to Chris and Heidi Miller!  I am proud of their work and pray God's blessing on their work.


Dave Wills takes His next step…

At Stevens Creek Church, we encourage people to listen to the promptings of the Lord and then step out in faith. Our teaching pastor, Dave Willis, has done just that. On March 1, 2010, he will be accepting the position of Senior Pastor at Christ Church in Fleming Island, FL.

We are thrilled with what God is doing in Dave and Ashley’s life and pray that their new assignment will reap a spiritual harvest in the Jacksonville area. If you are interested in more information, watch this video.


Church of God Greatly Impacted by Haiti Quake

Reporter: Cameron Fisher

Church of God Haitian overseer Elysee Joseph and three from a Canadian delegation have died as a result of the devastating earthquake which took place in Haiti on January 12.

According to Rev. Douglas LeRoy, Church of God general director of World Missions, the death of Haitian overseer Joseph occurred when a 20-foot wall collapsed on the vehicle in which Joseph was a passenger. Joseph was returning from the Port-au-Prince airport with former Haitian missionary Lloyd Frazier and former General Director of World Missions Lovell Cary and his wife, Ginny. The group had just arrived in the country and were on their way to a hotel in anticipation of the Haitian National Convention which would have been held this week. Frazier and Lovell Cary were bruised, while Ginny Cary was hurt when a portion of the wall fell on their car. Her injuries are not life-threatening and as of Friday morning, the three had been transported to the neighboring country of Dominican Republic by the U.S. Coast Guard where Mrs. Cary was receiving treatment and arrangements were being made to return the group back to the United States.

Dr. Joseph was a leading pastor and had served the church as national overseer on two occasions. He is survived by his wife and children.

Other groups associated with the Church of God were also in the country when the quake hit. Among them was a delegation from Canada and Southern New England, and a short-term missions team from Potter’s House in Columbus, Ohio [The Church where former Creekers, Bob and Tanya Wilson serve). According to Rev. Jacques Houle, administrative bishop for the Church of God in Quebec/Maritimes, three from the Canadian group have died. Traveling with that group was administrative bishop of Southern New England Jonathan Ramsey and Boston area pastor Othon Noel. Ramsey and Noel, as well as the Ohio group are safe, but remain in the country awaiting transportation back to North America. Details on how the three from the delegation were killed is still unclear.

“As you can imagine, communications with these and others in the country is very limited and sometimes third party,” LeRoy stated. “Anything beyond this information, including exactly how and when those not living in Haiti will be returned is unknown. We (World Missions) are diligently pursuing transportation options at this time.”

Since 1933, the Church of God has had a presence in Haiti. Jacques Vital-Herne wrote on March 17, 1933, to S. W. Latimer, the third overseer of Church of God, to affiliate with the Church in Cleveland. At that time, there were eight local churches and by 1936, Haiti had 30 churches. Presently there are 741 local churches, 327 missions and more than 250,000 members. The Church of God is among the largest Christian movements in Haiti and also includes schools, such as the Seminaire Biblique. It is one of four bachelor’s-degree granting schools in Haiti and one of three in the country that is approved to train public school teachers.

The Church of God has more than 100 schools (including elementary), several clinics, hospitals According to LeRoy, due to strained communication a full assessment of the casualties among church members and damage to buildings and homes will not be possible for some time. LeRoy did confirm that some of the national buildings were damaged, but the national office and missionary home are intact.

“Please consider giving compassionately to aid and comfort the people who were so greatly devastated by this earthquake,” LeRoy stated. “If we all do what we can, God will supply the needs of His people in Haiti.”

Church of God relief agencies, including Operation Compassion, are already on-site in the country with supplies that were delivered two months ago. More relief is on stand-by waiting for clearance. A Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund has been established through Church of God World Missions. Please indicate Project Number 7650042 when designating your donations either through the

Web site www.cogwm.org or through the mail P.O. Box 8016, Cleveland, TN, 37320-8016. In addition, a video update, recorded on January 14, is located on the Church of God Web site.

Faith News will continue to provide updates as they become available. Updates will also be posted on the Church of God World Missions Web site or by visiting www.churchofgod.org.

Operation Compassion Uses Every Available Resource for Haitian Relief and Recovery

January 15, 2010

Less than 72 hours after a devastating earthquake struck the island nation of Haiti, Operation Compassion has containers being distributed from warehouse facilities in Haiti. As part of our ongoing effort in Haiti, containers of relief goods and supplies were previously delivered. Now they are being distributed.
Landslide: Many poorly constructed homes were simply swept away by the magnitude of the quake

In addition to these containers, Operation Compassion sent 24 containers to Haiti more than 6 weeks ago. These containers are filled with fruit juices, baby food, shoes, paper products, bottled water, cleaning supplies, sleeping bags and tents are arriving in port this week and next week. Distribution will begin as soon as possible.

While these containers are currently being delivered and distributed in Haiti, our warehouse in Cleveland is busy loading containers that will be sent to Haiti on almost a daily basis. In addition, Operation Compassion will be sending containers for Haiti through neighboring ports to lessen the stress on the damaged Port au Prince port. These products include Hygiene kits, coolers, blankets, mattresses, Playtex gloves, medical supplies and equipment, flashlights, tea and storage bags.

Destroyed: Residents pass by collapsed buildings - only a cross remains standing.

After the immediate needs of disaster relief shift to recovery, Operation Compassion will be assisting in their long term recovery and rebuilding efforts. Operation Compassion has a 40,000 square foot warehouse with building supplies procured and ready for shipment as the reconstruction begins. Items like floor and wall tile, trim, tools, grout and sealant, bathroom fixtures, electrical supplies, plumbing supplies and concrete board used in bathroom construction and temporary shelter construction are some of the available products.  Together, we can make a difference in Haiti!

Our Donations to Operation Compassion are secure with . . . More than $99 out of every $100 donated going directly to the field; 1% overhead.
  • Every $1 donated producing $88 of wholesale product.

  • Operation Compassion listed in the Top 100 Charities by Chronicle of Philanthropy.

  • Operation compassion listed in the Top 3 Most Efficient Charities by Forbes.com.

    Write word "Haiti" on your check to Stevens Creek Church or send your donations to their Cleveland, TN office:

    114 Stuart Road, NE Suite 370 | Cleveland, TN 37312

    4233.728.3932 Office  |  423.728.3958 Fax
  • 1.08.2010

    A mentor has passed ... my tribute to "Mr. Scott"

    When I look back over my life, there is noone more other than my parents that has helped to shape me into the person that I have become than Leland "Sandy" Scott. Mr Scott served as the high school band director in Abbeville, South Carolina for nearly twenty years.  He was our town's Mr. Holland's Opus.  He was more than a band director but he was a developer of leaders. In my life, I have been around some of the greatest leaders in America, but very few of them would compare to Mr. Scott.

    Mr. Scott was the band director in Abbeville for nearly twenty years. In those days, middle school students could march in the high school band when they enterred the seventh grade, so you were under his leadership until you graduated high school. 

    Mr. Scott took our little high school band and created a dynasty. Under his leadership, the Abbeville Grenadiers won eight consecutive South Carolina State Band Championships. He set a record that has never been broken. In addition to that he led the band a top ten national ranking. We were ranked number three in the nation in 1973.  I will never forget my first contest as a seventh grader.  We were going up against the number two ranked band, Slyva Webster from North Carolina. We were doing or customary "think about the show" routine where we had to sit in silence for thirty minutes before going on the field.  He broke the silence with a quick pep talk. During that speech, he looked at me and said, "Baker, if you don't hit that line, the lights of the funeral home will be on for you tonight." In our town, they only turned the lights of the funeral home on when someone has passed.  When he said that fear covered my body and tears started flowing down my face.

    That night I did not hit the line. As a result, I was taken out of the show and was made to stand at attention when the band performed for the rest of the season.  That was hard but it taught me that in life you have to earn your spot. There are no free lunches.  He instilled in me a work-ethic that has helped me throughout my life.  Mr. Scott was a disciplanarian.  I have never known anyone like him.  In today's market, his tactics would be frowned upon, but that was a different day. His discipline created winners.

    Not only was he a disciplanarian, but he was a visionary.  He helped you see what you could not see.  He inspired us to do what we could not do. He was an entrepeneur. The band needed funding so he led the booster club to buy Greyhound Buses for the band to travel in but when the band was not using them, he chartered them out to other groups.  It was always funny to have the band drive up in nice buses with reclining seats and a restroom while the football team traveled in school buses.  Mr. Scott instilled a vision in us to better ourselves....to live out your best self.

    Mr. Scott was known for yelling, screaming, throwing batons and an occasional chair. He was sort of like a Bobby Knight personality. He was different because even though he ranted and raved, you knew deep inside that he loved you and wanted the best for you. You knew that if you listened to what he was telling you that you would learn to do something right and would be a better student. 

    He was not only a teacher, a developer of leaders, and a visionary, but he was a politician.  He was elected to the City Council and served as Mayor Pro-tem on one occasion.  The people in the city respected him like few others.

    Mr. Scott was a passionate person with a constant faith.  There was no such thing as separation from church and state in his book. You practiced Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. You did not practice Wednesday because it was church night.  Prayer was always a part of the band performances. We never enterred the field without pausing and asking God's blessing on our endeavors. It was probably in band that I memorized the Lord's Prayer.

    When I was in the eleventh grade, Mr. Scott selected me as the Band Captain. This was very unusual for an eleventh grader. This position was typically reserved for seniors.  I served two years and it was during this time that he poured into me and helped develop me into the person that I am today.

    Shortly after I graduated from high school, Mr. Scott retired.  Oh, he was not old at the time but he was ready to focus on the local church.  He became the Lead Pastor of Callie Self Memorial Baptist Church in Greenwood, South Carolina.  He has served that church for over twenty-five years.

    Patty and I were blessed to see Mr. Scott a few months ago at a band reunion. It was an amazing night. Students flew in from all over the country to give a tribute to this wonderful man.

    Last October, our congregation, Stevens Creek Church, started broadcasting our services on the local FOX television station, WFXG. This station is on the cable system in Abbeville.  One of our viewers in Abbeville was Mr. Scott.  My parents ran into him and his wife, Verlene at a restaurant two days before he passed. Mr. Scott said, "I want to drive down and see Marty's church." They made plans, but sadly enough those plans will not come to pass.

    On Thursday evening, January 7, 2010, Leland "Sandy" Scott passed on his reward. He leaves behind a loving wife and two children and grandchildren. He leaves behind a legacy that few of us could imagine.

    Today, I honor you ... Mr. Scott ... the BandMan.  Now, it's time for you to enter into the joys of the Lord.

    Oh yea, one more thing ... Mr. Scott...the lights of the funeral home are on tonight for you.  You have completed your race and it was an amazing race.