
Thanks for all of the Stevens Creek Volunteers

Super Bowl Sunday was huge at Stevens Creek. This year it was bigger than Easter and Christmas Eve ... how crazy is that? People were everywhere. We had 2,050 people in our three morning services. That's over 800 more than last year's average attendance. It was not only a big attendance day, but I am excited about the folks that made a decision to follow Christ. That's what it is all about.

I want to say "thanks" to all of the volunteers at Stevens Creek Church. You are the ones that make big days special. From the shuttle drivers to the popcorn poppers and everyone in-between... you worked to create an friendly and welcoming experience for all of us. I am extremely pleased and honored to be able to serve with such a great team of people.

Today, Heaven is rejoicing because of what happened yesterday. You were a part of an experience that changed the eternal destination of several people. In other words, people will go to heaven because you. Thanks for using your God-given spiritual gifts to expand His influence in our community.

Be blessed today.


John 14:12
"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." 

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