
Kokomo, IN Paper spotlights The Creek

I have been laughing at the mis-print on this week's story on The Creek. Did you know that we had 200,000 in attendance? Really it's supposed to be 2,000.

A new way to offer at church

n New electronic kiosks work like ATM machines.

By K.O. Jackson
Tribune business writer

Pastor Marty Baker is the lead pastor of the Stevens Creek Church in Augusta, Ga. The church was founded in 1987 in a living room.

He realizes in difficult economic times, after people pay their bills, they often have very little money to give to a church.

He also realizes — from personal experiences — people don’t like carrying cash or check books: They’ve grown accustomed to paying for items by swiping an ATM card.

But there were no ATMs in churches.

In a way, there are now.

Four years ago, Baker created the for-profit SecureGive LLC. The kiosk company partners with churches, schools and charities across the nation to provide easy-to-use software that assists in collecting donations online or on site through a giving kiosk.

Baker said using the machine is like using an ATM. Since installing it in their Evangelical church, they have seen a double-digit increase in giving.

Last year, the church electronically collected almost a $500,000. Baker’s church offers four Sunday services and has more than 200,000 parishioners.

“I knew there had to be people out there like me who don’t like carrying cash and checks but would like to give but can’t. This makes it easier for them to donate and it’s really caught on across America,” said Baker, adding the mechanism is in place in more than 100 locations.

The machine has a touch screen and the user enters their telephone number. They then have a choice of eight categories in which to donate and the bank card is swiped.

“In terms of giving, the economy has really hurt some churches and non-profits. But we’ve seen with SecureGive, some of them have had their income go up,” said Baker. “I think when people see the need to give and help other people in tough times, they are very generous. SecureGive gives them an easier way to give.”

• K.O. Jackson is the Tribune’s business writer. He can be reached at (765) 854-6739 or via e-mail kirven.jackson@kokomotribune.com

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