
The Creek .... A Volunteer-Intensive Ministry

Several years ago I attended a conference at Willow Creek Church in Chicago.  When I walked onto the campus I was overwhelmed by the number of volunteers that served the Lord at that local church.  They were everywhere. I talked to a person in the tech department. He said that he traveled during the week and worked for a major telephone company, but he lived for the weekend so that he could use his natural talents for the Lord.  He was pulling cable and doing what some would consider grunt work, but he saw the spiritual importance of that task.  He knew that without adequate audio that the message of hope could not be given to seekers who walked through the door.  He was not the only volunteer investing their energies in the services that weekend.  The property was filled with passionate people using their gifts.

Stevens Creek Church is no different. We are a volunteer-intensive ministry. We rely on the faithful service of hundreds of people to pull-off a weekend. Some of you would say, "Marty, that's an overstatement."  No, it really is not.  Do you realize that it takes 85 volunteers serving in the children's ministry every Sunday? Then add to that the needs of the middle school ministry, the parking attendants, greeters, ushers, the tech team, the musicians, the vocalists, the drama members and then add to that the needs of our Grovetown campus.

We are a volunteer-intensive organization and we need your help. The Bible teaches us to "pray that the Lord of the Harvest would send workers into the field." Join with me and pray that God would speak to people in our congregation and encourage them to serve.  Right now, we need 20 new coaches / groups leaders in our children's ministry. If you want joy, if you want to impact a person's entire life, then serve in the children's ministry. If Sunday does not work in your schedule, we have opportunities in our Wednesday program.

Take a moment today, as we continue our 21 Days of Prayer, and ask the Lord where you can serve.

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