
American Idol Series Begins with "An Opportunity for a Lifetime"

This Sunday, April 19, 2009, Stevens Creek will be introducing the new series, American Idol. We are very excited about this series because we believe that it is an perfect opportunity to invite your friends to attend church with you. There will be some hilarious moments in the day's program including some "auditions" to sing on stage at The Creek.

As I have been preparing for this week's message: "The Opportunity for a Lifetime," I ran across a Steven Furtick blog post that made me think. Hmmm... I wonder if I will use this Sunday? Come and find out.
The lifetime of the opportunity
“The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.”Leonard Ravenhill
Every opportunity has an expiration date. Exceptional people, churches, and businesses possess the agility to move at the speed of God. This usually means merging into oncoming traffic at breakneck speed.
A lot of people I know are more fearful of making a wrong move than making no move at all. Not me. I’ve been alive long enough to know that if I just sit at the intersection after God has given a green light, He’ll only honk a few times before He passes me by in the other lane. Doesn’t mean He’ll stop loving me or stop using me. It just means that that opportunity is gone. Forever.
If you are currently considering an great, godly, risky opportunity, consider this:The cost of missing out can be greater than the cost of messing up.The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.

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