
How to Stay on Top of Your Game

Everyone needs motivation in order to stay at the top of their game. It's the responsibility of the leader of the organization to motivate his or her team members to do their best and to be their best. But, what if you are the leader, who motivates you?

As a leader you have learn the art of self-leadership. You have to know those things that replenish your vision and re-ignite your passion. You have to take the responsibility to not only know those things, but to do them.

The most important activity that I do to stay on top of my game is solitude. I need time alone with God, the Bible and my own thoughts. Practically speaking, I get this mainly on my back porch or my office at home, at times on the treadmill or walking in the neighborhood, or driving on long distances with no one in the car and the radio turned off. God uses these times to recalibrate me so that I can stay focused on what I am created to do and called to do. When I lose focus, I often find myself doing busy work but not really accomplishing any thing.

In addition to leading myself through solitude, I find motivation in seeing the progress of other people. I get excited when I see people break through barriers and proverbial glass ceilings. I get motivated when I see people do things that are unique and unprecedented. For instance, a few weeks ago, I had lunch with Greg Surratt. He is a visionary leader that has pioneered the multi-site church strategy that is sweeping the world. He speaks to over 4000 people from his Long Point Road campus in Mount Pleasant, SC and then over 5000 through video venues. People will tell you that video venues don't work, but Greg will say that for Seacoast and his classic South audience, they do.

What motivates you? Maybe it's time to take a few minutes and find the answer to that question. When you discover the source of your motivation, then trying to figure out what to do today will not be a problem. Your motivation will evolve into motion and before you know it you will be putting points on the score board. So, it's time to get in the game, but not only get in the game, but play in a way that says that you are at the top of your game.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

That message is so awesome. It was meant for me to read this today. Thanks Marty!