
I was asked, "Marty, what are you praying today?"

Earlier today, I received an email that asked me what I was praying for today. It made me think and encouraged me to write it out. Journaling is a good way to help you focus your prayers and stay attentive as you talk to God.

If you are like me, sometimes prayer can be a challenge of focus. Yes, I pause to pray and then a thousand other things come into my mind. One solution is to have a note pad. Write down the things that you need to do (get an oil change, call the doctor for child's check-up, and so forth). Also, you may use that same note pad to write out your prayer.

So, what does my prayer journal look like today. On a broad scale, my prayers are often focused on my family and my work. I am sure that I am no different than most.

I pray that God will touch my children, Stuart, Sarah and Samuel and help them find their purpose. I pray that they are filled with the Holy Spirit in a way that captivates their attention and ignites a passion for Jesus and His church.

I pray for Patty that she would be able to inspire church leaders and encourages stewardship at the churches that she serves across America. Practically speaking, I ask the Lord to help her technically ... that the software remains secure, that her programmers complete the transition to the new server farm, that the integration with Fellowship One be completed this week, that God will protect her as she negotiates new contracts and expands her work here and potentially into Canada.

I pray for Stevens Creek Church ... that our hearts would be burdened for lost people, that we would be open to a greater move of God's spirit, that we would be passionate about creating healthy systems for people's spiritual growth. I pray that God will bring the right staff members so that our church, our Grovetown campus, and future campuses can be spiritually vibrant and healthy.

I pray that God will raise up tithers so that His work can be fully funded and that Stevens Creek becomes the most generous place around.

For me personally, I pray that my heart remains tender and that I keep the passionate fervor that I had as a 14 year old when I was called into the ministry.

I pray that God will help me be the best Dad possible and not take myself too seriously. Help me to balance work and home-life.

I pray that God will give me discernment so that I will be able to see what He sees and lead accordingly.

I pray that increases my ability to lead.

I pray that God allows me and Stevens Creek Church the opportunity to shape the future of the Church of God denomination.

As you develop your own list, please remember that prayer is a two way street. It involves you talking to God, but mainly God talking to you. Be quiet before the Lord and listen to His voice. When you do this, you will take your next step in faith.

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