
Guess Who's Coming to The Creek on November 1st? Ruby Gettinger

This past summer Patty and I were watching Oprah re-runs on our DVR. Oprah highlighted three of the biggest reality television shows of the season: The Little People, John and Kate Plus Eight, and Ruby. Now, I had heard of the first two, but I did not know about Ruby. Her interview with Oprah caught our attention, so we set our DVR to record all of the episodes of Ruby on the Style Network. We became instant fans and by the end of the summer, we had watched most all of her shows.
Ruby's story is very interesting. At one point in her life she weighed 716 pounds; today she is down below 330 pounds. The show chronicles her weight-loss journey. It is very interesting and inspiring.
As Patty and I watched the show, I noticed several things. First of all, it was evident that Ruby is a Christian. In fact, there was one show where they had Ruby praying at the altar of The Sanctuary Church in Savannah. Patty and I smiled when we saw this because we know her pastor, Larry McDaniel. Pastor McDaniel was my pastor when I was in college. Later on Patty's sister and brother-in-law (JT's mom and dad) was Pastor Larry's Minister of Music when he served the North Cleveland Church of God before moving to Savannah. Well, long story short, we connected with Ruby, maybe because we had two degrees of separation. As we watched the show, we figured out that Todd and April went to Lee University with some of the folks on the show, so that gave us a three degree separation from Denny and Jeff.
Ruby has a new book out, "Ruby's Diary: Reflections on All I've Lost and Gained," and she is currently doing a book tour. In the last few weeks, you may have seen her on Fox News, NBC Today or Rachel Ray. Last week, I called one of the staff pastors at The Sanctuary in Savannah and simply asked, "Is Ruby the real deal?" They said, "Yes and her story is inspirational."
I called and Ruby is coming to Stevens Creek Church on November 1st. I had already turned in the title of the sermon that day and it is, "You can have a new life." Wow! This let me know that God was at work to bring a real life story to illustrate this message. It's going to be great.
Invite your friends, your work associates, your neighbors and your family to come to The Creek. Do it today.

Ruby Gettinger to Speak at The Creek on November 1st

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