
What makes a relationship work?

This is the age-old question that continues to be argued, analyzed and developed over the centuries. Here's some thoughts...

1. Good Communication

Communication is a major factor in making a relationship work. It’s important to express what you value, what you like and dislike and what your goals are. Men and women are different. John Gray made millions on his book Men are from Mars and Women from Venus. It’s a book about communication. We all need help in the communication area. When we fail to communicate, we are setting ourselves up for trouble.

2. Respect each other

Happy couples respect each other. Happy couples not only communicate well but they respect each other. If some one respects themselves, it is natural that others will respect them as well. This is key because some one in a relationship cannot respect someone that doesn’t respect themselves. Happy couples respect the other’s ideas, beliefs and interests even though they may be different. Sometimes those differences cause painful situations. That leads us to the next step.

3. Willing to Apologize

Happy couples know how to say “I’m sorry”. Happy couple also know how to say sorry and apologize for something. It is essential that problems are solved before they escalate, and therefore a good relationship revolves around communication and humility. Pride and the need to be right all the time has no place in a happy relationship. There needs to be understanding and compromise, and the ability to analyze and accept another’s opinion.

4. Encourage personal growth

Happy couples challenge each other to grow. Happy couples also challenge each other to grow, which suggests that a mental connection is one of the major factors in making a relationship work. Mental stimulation is essential for growth, where ideas are introduced and pondered together, where two people can come to intellectual conclusions.

5. Spiritually connected

Happy couples are also spiritually connected, where two people understand that there is more to life than materialistic goals and values.

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